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Sense Docs

Firstly - this is just initialised, there's a bunch of old docs; and not much in-terms of the new stuff that the docs were set-up to provide.

To get involved, best step it to join the Discord Group (seelink) the terms are to uphold the Human Centric AI Values statements, and that the matter of licensing be presently reserved; however, the outcome shall not breach those values now or into the future.

About Sense

Sense was started to attend to the need to produce an information networking fabric that is used to support a complex language model, that's in-turn employed for various foundational applications. The project requires works in various different fields, which contribute towards the derivative purpose of producing foundational technological infrastructure that works as a fabric, whilst supporting local private use & related characteristics as is necessary to materially support Human Centric AI Values for future Human Centric AI systems; including but not limited to Webizen projects ecosystems (see: Webizen DevDocs), which have various characteristics that are not considered otherwise available presently. In-part, it appears that the work involved in undertaking projects such as sense, provides insights as to why it is difficult to do so; and in-turn, how much work needs to be done to bring it about.

The Sense project, is about humanitarian language; not simply the words, phrases and alphabet; but more broadly, the provonance and meaning, connected to the use of language.

Sense, does not seek to unnecessarily become some form of 'knowledge model', as may be a type of definition that could be better applied to other projects that are termed 'language models', such as the products produced by OpenAI and others. rather, the purpose of 'sense', is to provide the basic underpinning scaffolding required to build human centric AI. It is required to support the production of 'AI' systems that are able to be able to be used in a variety of contexts, with some very particular functional characteristics; in relation to applications that include but are not limited to,

  • Dictionary and Spellcheck
  • Ontology Production
  • Ontology Reasoning
  • Search
  • Database Queries (natural language as a query language)
  • Database Structures
  • Content Metadata Generation
  • Ai Assistants
  • API Generation

Introductory notes

As the work develops so does the scope.. Therein; whilst actively doing some work to ensure that i was opening up to the world in seeking cooperative and collaborative co-development, I was not assuming so many, whose language (as is bound to culture and being) is other than english, would be so interested, so early on. As such, whilst my initial plan was to focus on english (noting - there's not simply 'one english', it is quite diverse); it appears, the plan may well grow more rapidly than previously planned, and whilst i have always sought to ensure growth, scalability - or functionally - support for human dignity; it appears that as there may be more interest than was assumed earlier; as such, the scope will adjust to support the sociology linked with those involved; as to be attentive.

with thanks and consideration, noting, the purpose is for the betterment of humanity overall.

Therein - if there's notes that do not reflect this consideration, the intepretation shouldn't be about wilful ignorance, rather, just progress linked with an origin story, methods, etc.

Fundamentally; The objective is to seek to ensure that when a natural agent (person) is engaged in an activity via voice or text (reading / writing materials); that the content is able to be parsed using complex natural language processing, but that it does not need to be shared with any other agent in-order to provide the facility to do so. In-turn, the implication becomes a need to figure out how to define the broader Permissive Commons Systems; of which, this becomes a foundational part of it. The 'sense' work, is an instrumental foundation for HumanCentricAI, whether it be employed via Webizen like systems or via alternatives. The concept of 'sense', refers to the means through which one-another sense each-others meaning in connection with acts of communications.

Generally speaking;

  1. Notes - provides basic introductory information that relates to the sense project. This is the starting-point for the work on sense.
  2. PCT-Webizen-Notes is a bunch of old docs, many of which are likely to be outdated or subsequently updated via the Webizen DevDocs - but some of that content may end-up being reused as useful notes about the structure of how to produce these sense systems.
  3. WebScience is intended to be a folder where the philosphical 'web science' stuff goes, that isn't actually about implementation specifically; rather, about various tech-social factors.

More will be produced overtime. this is just the beginning... :)

Background Notes

Work is underway to produce systems that have been called 'webizen', but have then more broadly become defined as HumanCentricAI, and related projects, that seek to establish the infrastructure needed to support the development and growth of the peace infrastructure project. Whilst there are many reasons why a technology ecosystem with particular qualities is considered to be an important foundational step, as to support the production of real-world outcomes; the primary purposes relate to the functional capacity for us to support human rights in our doing - anything, and everything, with one-another; in applied fields, as must be supported by our capacities as natural persons in our private & personal capacities.

It is thought that there will be multiple groups seeking to implement something in the broad field considered to be termed - Human Centric AI - but not necessarily, of the same kind or ideology. The foundational building blocks to materially support the foundational requirements for support of our values, which are premised upon the texts of various human rights instruments and related texts; necessitate a process, whereby the purpose of these works on sense, and perhaps also other components overtime; is greater than the group needs, with respect to webizen alone. In effect, whilst the entirity of the scope of works is about human rights and peace infrastructure; there needs to be scope to disagree, and form different sorts of works that have different ideologies attached to them; whilst maintaining cooperative and collaborative works, that seek to form support for the creation of the shared infrastructure we all need as members of our human family, that should accessible with the fewest terms and conditions, reasonably required to ensure the tooling best supports souls.

nonetheless; alot of the documentation is being produced in connection to the lens of what i need to create, in-order to support permissive commons technology, which is in-turn required for webizen which is in-turn required - to support the peace-infrastructure project. These works are designed in a manner that has an intentional requirement to support interoperability with other systems, that are similar - yet different - but moreover some form of 'human centric AI' or indeed even furnishing means for people to wilfully migrate to alternatives, if they so desire.

As such,

The dev-docs for webizen also incorporate some information about a related dependency called Permissive Commons, and some of those notes have been added in the RelatedProjects section. Therein; whilst doing the R&D to implement these systems, the complexities involved in seeking to properly define the AI Enabled Human Centric; Vocabulary systems, and related systems requirements; led me to starting a new documentation site to better structure thoughts, requirements, considerations and all such related notes, facets, deliberations, components, etc.. As such, the sense docs were born.

Basically; its a fairly difficult thing to do well. It appears that the implications of attempting to do so brings about an array of highly sophistocated challenges; So, i thought it best to write more about it, as i go about doing the work to implement something functional in working software, etc. This philophical methodology is intended to support the BestEfforts obligations generally; therein, whilst there are simple ways to do something that might 'work', any such approach couldn't reasonably be considered compliant with the BestEfforts moral undertaking to seek to ensure the implementation works are FitForPurpose.

As such;

The purpose and method of this project is to use advanced, modern techniques to develop a language model that will be firstly focused upon defining to the best of our ability, the english language in an extensible way; and as has been noted earlier, active and intentional works will be facilitated to assist persons and communities of other languages to help for what is essentially our mutual benefit, form capacities that support broader senses of thought and therein, languages.

Languages are fundamentally social things, its a foundational part of how we organise our means to communicate, and is a foundational pillar for how we organise anything socially and in-turn also, an integrally useful artiface associated to and/or weith consciousness, as is able to be processed by observers. This endevour is not at all simple, at least, not when done proportionately well. There are so many specialised complexities, that the field of work interacts strongly with faith; not of any particular kind, that may otherwise be used to isolate, but rather - various illuminatory experiences that give rise to deliberations about our univeral shared values as members of our human family..... When undertaking earlier contributory work, whilst such works have been on-going over many years; at around 2018 i studied and reached-out to Professor Noam Chomsky; as the technical works (w3c) were more obviously requiring informative input from fields ranging from specialists in quantum physics, through to linguistics, of which Professor Chomsky is a wonderous luminary in relation to the latter.

His note, about Moral Grammer; helps to underscore a related point,

Yet for most technical people; this pragmatically relates to the concept of ontology, notwithstanding the common misunderstanding that the term was somehow invented as a consequence of the advent of the semantic web, or web-technology more broadly. As such, this video by Json Silva about Ontological Design, may usefully simplify the concept.

Now therefore; the objective purpose is to define a system that'll be implemented as (working software); that will in-turn be integrally employed to construct other webizen related systems. Foundationally, these systems support the production of top-level ontology; yet it becomes more complex thereafter, something; that at this stage, starts to take the form of a living fabric that is being engineered to grow within the infosphere.

Whilst the PCT-Webizen-Notes provides some legacy notes; which, as is noted, is better found / reviewed via the Webizen Dev Docs, and both should be considered draft, I have set-up a website for The Human Centric AI project, which has links to the linkedin and facebook groups; alongside the discord server, where the bulk of the discussion is sought to be had (although noting, that there are indeed a few). There is also a documentation site for the Human Centric AI project that is located here, and at some stage these documents may be migrated to that location or elsewhere; at the moment, i'm just working on getting the framing done sufficiently to have a better grasp, of the broader approach that is required, technically (implementation).

Documentation notes

The documentation is being done on a best efforts basis; and 'in the open', i am not formerally going through much of a drafting process, rather, i do some work; then i push the changes online; i do some more work, push the changes online, and so on. Sometimes, i'm digging into the personal experience associated with the meaningful purpose and related considerations associated with the work; and that may bleed out, into the texts, in other cases; i'm puzzling complex systems of various kinds, and that ends-up with ad-hoc notes, and elements in different places, as i review papers, presentations / lectures, and process applied theorums and hypothesis that ends-up looking somewhat incoherant before it is improved upon overtime.

There is no financial funding for this work, other than what i can spend on it to get the job done; and whilst there's interest, there has not yet been meaningful productive contributions made by others, although expressions of interest have been made; and this status is likely to change, at which point i'll update the notes.

Broader Project Notes

The broader project has been an endevour that has been the primary focus of my professional career and life as an adult. Whilst there are elements that relate to works during the 1990's, the start date is considered either 1999 or 2000; depending on which constituency. In 2000, when thinking about how to define a system for storing peoples information online via 'online data storage', inspired by my interest in psychology / behavioural sciences and in-turn also, the family stories about a relative, John Carew Eccles who was awarded a Nobel Prize for his work on Synapses / Consciousness; i started a journey trying to produce systems that would support human dignity, the means for people to 'own their data', as it was considered best said back then... Its been a long journey, and still, many of the basic functionality that computing systems could provide to support human dignity, is still absent. A great deal of effort, sacrifice, work and remarkable experiences have occurred since then; including, many years working through the development of international open patent-pool protected, royalty free standards; and other components necessary, to end-up with an outcome that could scale, and fundamentally protect / preserve - enhance freedom of thought and the means through which we support human rights and related considerations morally and more broadly thereafter; societally, and socio-economically.

It is abundantly clear that there are many who have invested greatly in defining systems that operate globally at scale that reflect, ideologically, morally and otherwise; the vision of what they believe is best suited and/or FitForPurpose in relation to their view about the world, and definitivatively by their actions, what they most want to create and make available to others.

Not all those people will be interested in these sorts of systems; which is ok... what we're focused on, is producing systems that better support the desires, moral grammar and related considerations for people who are looking for alternatives that have different qualities to what is currently made available through the time / energy / resources and therein, trillions of dollars spent already, overtime. This alternative, that i'm seeking to produce; needs to start by ensuring that people are able to communicate without interference that objectively exploits or undermines the basic HumanCentricAI Values those people, engaged in any such form of communications between one another; have otherwise sought to preserve.

As systems are now increasingly required to be interfaced with software agents, via software systems that are defined declaratively or otherwise; to be 'multi-modal', to support both software and legal agents; as well as natural agents, the structure through which this is equipped to be done better, is now therefore being defined and implemented. The foundations for how this is brought about is about language and therein; how one-another are able to 'sense' what each-other means, alongside other qualities that are beyond simply hearing or seeing what they are saying, and in-turn also, seeking to ensure receipt of a communications event that is syntactically the same as the artifact that was sent by the communicator, alongside 'authorised changes' made synthetically, via improved capacities that are brought about as a consequence of forming the foundational natural language systems in a manner that is seemingly broader, than has otherwise been done or is available.

Licensing Notes

Until noted otherwise, any original work is presently unlicensed; and contributions are subject to the HumanCentricAI Values and Webizen Terms as is outlined in that and related linked documents. When this situation is able to be updated and/or changed, these changes will be reflected online. The desirable outcome, is to formulate a means to EndingDigitalSlavery whilst also ensuring works otherwise support SafetyProtocols including but not limited to FreedomofThought which will in-turn require 'values credentials', that is one of the many applications that these works will end-up being employed to implement.

Presently the works (ie: this website) is stored on github which provides a relatively simple version control solution that helps with dates, updates, who provided what when, etc. the means to improve the ecosystem solution to better support recognition, is another thing that these works are intended to provide necessary protections and resources, to implement.

The Copyright Clause (also known as the Intellectual Property ClauseCopyright and Patent Clause, or the Progress Clause1) describes an enumerated power listed in the United States Constitution (Article I, Section 8, Clause 8).

The clause, which is the basis of intellectual property laws in the United States and specifically copyright and patent laws, states that:2

The United States Congress shall have power To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries.

Source: WikiPedia

3rd party works are provided via whatever license applies to those works.

More info about future licensing objectives

The works done by me are sought to be licensed via a methodology that's basically about supporting human rights. This in-turn requires a means to support LicensingFrameworks (supported by the ValuesProject and related ValuesCredentials ); to both EndingDigitalSlavery whilst also (consequentially) empowering means to end-up providing licensing in a manner that has an array of express purposes, including but not limited to protecting FreedomofThought without degrading the good purpose of any such forms of agreements.

Until this is better define / resolved My Work is not licensed for any commercial purposes; and, all rights are reserved. This is not intended to be contrary to the interests of HumanCentricDigitalIdentity or in-turn also HumanCentricAI rather; that i note, i've been subjected to alot of very hostile (bad) actors, often they've suggested they've been 'doing it all already' - yet here we are, some 22+ years down the track and nope, the means to support the human rights of ordinary persons to make use of their information to support their rights, to support peace; its not been delivered by any such persons anywhere on earth.

Hopefully, an option for those who seek something like this, may be brought about; but it won't be made able to work properly (ie: #RealityCheckTech) unless its done in a manner that addresses the sorts of issues described by the SafetyProtocols notes, etc..

For more information on the work being done to achieve this, please note the Webizen Dev Docs and related project.

As noted; if you'd like any further clarification let me know.


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Last updated on 3/9/2023