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The DID SSI COVID Songlines


The concept of Songlines originates from Australian Aboriginal culture, as is part of their system of managing knowledge.

The project will work to establish a pipeline to support the development of a means to represent complex historical events in a manner that is decentralised and scalable. the objective structure will seek to prioritise support for the Webizen ecosystem, whilst seeking to be attentive to the needs of other Human Centric AI ecosystems requirements for interoperability.

The project assumes that the ability to provide private data related systems, does not yet exist. This project is closely related to the timeline interface / temporal interface requirements sought to be developed for the webizen ecosystem, which in-turn also requires support for private information and therefore also; identity constructs, which are not being defined until such a time as the sense project, has been better defined & thereby established.

The topic

The topic, is most certainly a tough gig. Yet, the importance of ensuring people are able to gain a better, fair means for understanding what has occurred; is considered important for the wellbeing of many, perhaps billions of people. the scope of impact, is broadly, not well known, presently. Whilst i've had an instrumental involvement in the W3C works that led to how some of the technology foundations were in-turn established and grown; initial works, have led to some surprising insights that were not initally known by me, nor well known otherwise. This in-turn illustrates areas where assumptions and misunderstandings can be made by persons, even those who've been intimately involved in works, whereby the ability to more effectively analysis and gain a 'sense' of common-themes, and factors, is helpful.


The work on this particular applied focus, has already begun. Originally, i believed DID to mean 'Decentralised IDentifiers', as was thought to be the intended meaning per the works started in W3C May 2014. However, further investigation has already shown that a group, that were not known to be involved in W3C Works until around 2016/7, had previously defined DID as Decentralised IDentity; which, directly relates in-turn to the Self Sovereign IDentity and therein, the term SSI. Covid, is more broadly considered to be the 'pandemic' related events, experiences and broad-ranging 'topic', as is associated with events of significance upon most if not all members of our human family world-wide, since 2019. During that time, SSI / DIDs were commercialised as Vaccine Passports, the solution that was said to be protecting us all from imminent death; and therefore, a significant reduction of the human population on earth. One way or another, the population on earth is reported to have grown during that period, and there is a great deal of concern and confusion about what has in-fact occurred. This project will seek to better represent the dynamics, overtime.

As a consequence of the decisions made that led to actions, and those that did not, now, in 2023 we are in a particular situation generally, including but not limited to the implications relating to AI infrastructure and how it has been designed to operate, and, this is both complex; but also, far less complex than doing a fit for purpose job, of addressing language.

Illustrative Example - WIP

I've pulled some of the records that i collected earlier, per below. As these works were done earlier, the amount of time it took to turn them into a timeline exhibit, was relatively easy. What is already being clearly demonstrated; is that the UI for even simply these examples, is inadequate. There are many more resources available within these specified fields alone.

Previous example on the history of personal computing vs. mainframe / thin client, ideologies via the lens of TimBL & Steve Jobs, overtime.

Also, the intepretability of the records, is sub-optimal.

Draft Part 2: Medical Reports

Draft Part 3: Medical Videos

Draft Part 4: Consciousness, AI, QM Science (video edition) Research: This is still a work in progress...

Draft Part 5: SSI - this is a very early stages and is a work in progress

These are only 3(/5) parts of many. What also needs to be added, is the informaiton about the social events and impacts around the world, which is likely to get complicated as there are so many regions effected; alongside the financial implications, the threats percieved of war, the political implications, the implications relating to rule of law, implications within the fields of the social impacts and events; such as the implications upon children and/or indeed also, medical professionals as specific groups.

Through that also, is the development and commercialisation of Digital Identity world-wide through the lens of Vaccine Passports, etc.

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Last updated on 3/10/2023