The Webizen Charter
The Webizen Charter is the web-civics version of the 3 laws of robotics or the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR).
Its yet to be formally defined, yet basically, its about promoting good (even if not understood at the time) whilst discouraging / punishing bad behaviours. The structure of it, seeks to support the semantics of what people involved 'believe' rather than being dictatorial; and, It seeks to support rule of law.
There are also philophical elements, yet these constituencies are often emboided in some form via existing ValuesCredentials. As such, it forms a fabric to support both; network wide scale terms, in addition to personal terms; that relate more specifically to the user and/or their dependants (ie: their kids, or elderly persons for whom they are lawfully responsible to make just decisions for).
The Artificial Intelligence related terms; also consider the following aspects,
That only Human Beings can be sent to prison. As such the 'human centric' nature of the constructs, seek to support 'root cause analysis' and the provision of appropriately defined electronic evidence for persons, irraspective of their financial capacity or mental state; to seek lawful remedy via a court of law through the use of evidence as is collected about their lives.
a. It is not upto a 'computer' to determine finally a 'just outcome' rather, the facility is provided socially via courts of law. Systems are produced to support the requirements of courts of law.
b. That the right to self-determination (as is required and a requirement for FreedomofThought ) depends upon an ability for persons to have some sense of situation awareness that is provided to them - on a basis that may reasonably be considered BestEfforts as to distinguish a circumstance where a person engaged in behaviour that was an intentional or willful breach, vs. other circumstances that should influence the determinations of fault & other 'common' responsibilities.
c. That the environment expressly supports the means for persons to both learn about; and support / agree / take-on the personal responsibility, to uphold particular values. If somone engages with another who has not taken-on those values, then to some-degree they do so knowingly.
The Entity Centric approaches consider the role of legal entities (legal personalities / incorporated groups) as is distinct yet inclusive with, natural persons (human beings / citizens / etc). In this 'legal entity' group inclusive process, built upon the human centric capacities (1) there is still responsibility for what individual people do; either directly, or via an agent (ie: software, etc); but it takes into account 'ethics' vs. 'morals' in which,
a. an individual may express (and have recorded) their personal view, which defines a moral factor in relation to their own being; yet,
b. a group (ie: board of directors) may vote, and the most amount of votes upon a decision is what ends-up becoming the outcome; which becomes an ethical statement of the group.
An ethical decision made by a group (corpus) may be found to be wrong; but then still, the responsibility lies upon those who voted for whatever it was that supported wrongs, rather than those who voted against it.
This in-turn; supports the semantics between a person (natural person) and a legal entity (legal person); and their actions, as to distinguish who it is, that should end-up facing a court of law with the evidence provided via technology, to answer for the consequence of their actions; if a matter ends-up developing into a situation where that is deemed necessary by a party.
Humans always stewards of our 'Tools'. This principal relates to the use of software and other sorts of tools, as to support the values outlined by (1) and (2).
#socialfabric #ValuesFrameworks #SafetyProtocols