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Proxy Attacks

The concept of 'Proxy Attacks' or 'attacks by proxy' is intended to refer to circumstances where an underlying attacker / bad actor; has enrolled others to perform an attack upon an intended victim, thereby seeking to remain undiscovered / secretly unable to be discovered and/or associated with the attack that is performed upon a target.

These sorts of attacks may incorporate various other activities that relates to persons knowingly involved in wrong-doing / crimes - whilst the actual attacker (the person committing the assults) may not be aware of the implications or circumstances of importance relating to the pre-text of having been employed to commit an attack upon the target.

In the worst types of situations; these sorts of attacks can have a meaningful relationship to issues otherwise noted in the DigitalSlavery considerations, alongside those associated with PublicSectorWrongDoings, notwithstanding broader associations with CommercialExploitation, CriminalActivity, AttacksOnline and other CyberAttackVectors, TemporalAttacks, Torts, Dehumanisation and just about anything else you can think of...

In-order to address the 'proxy attack' vectors; there needs to be a complex Human Centric AI Graph, that enables means for a court of law to lawfully seek information about the provonance of circumstances relating to harms that have been committed upon a person.

As far as i can recall, i am not aware of any situation where these sorts of methods have been employed that does not relate to the underlying actors seeking gainful outcomes, generally in relation to activities that seek to obtain or protect financial gains. In the most sophisocated examples; it is comparitively 'cheap' to make use of a small percentage of a large profit associated with wrongful gains; which when associated with 'deals' that yeild more than a million dollars of profit (noting - the sophistocation gets more complex when the gainful value is beyond $50m - $200m+); enables a person who presents with wealth, to encourage unsophistocated others to perform attacks whilst they're provided thousands and often a great deal more, via sophistocated schemes (often involving many public/private entities) to provide benefits that those people would never otherwise obtain; and, most often also - they're not actually aware of what it is that they've done, or the gainful outcome of it obtained by other persons. Therein also - often they're subjected to blackmail and other threats of consequences if they ever do anything that would act to deconstruct the proxy attack method (as to expose the underlying actors).

Part of the consequence of these attacks becomes; that WHEN the attacker and any people who supported acts of wrong-doing find out that they've engaged in wrongful behaviour, they're compromised and thereafter aligned with the values framework of the underlying attacker - which thereafter, becomes part of the broader DigitalSlavery and Dehumanisation issues that are related to CorporateCrime in particular, although not exclusively.

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Last updated on 2/19/2023